Innumerable number of console games have arrived with a bang but sank without a trace. After a few months, we do not even remember their names. But there are some which made us sit upright and watch them evolutionize the entire concept of gaming. We were delivered something more than just hours of button-mashing – these games brought forward better story lines, improved settings, and iconic characters. They grew with us, generating sequels and creating dynasties, making sure they survive through generations to come.
Five of such astounding and well-admired console games in the world are:
#1. Madden NFL
Every console gamer across the globe will point to Madden NFL the instant you mention “football”. It is the best way to get dirty in the field without even leaving the couch. The latest versions of the game are equipped with features like Halftime and Post-game shows, Fight for the Fumble, and Kinect support.

Released back in 1993, it is considered as the pioneer of first-person shooter games. It has introduced features like 3D graphics and multi-player gameplay in the industry. Since its release, it has had numerous sequels and expansions. And it went on becoming more polished with every update. While DOOM 3 was completely mind-boggling, it is indeed a very impatient wait to see what the upcoming DOOM 4 will have in store for us.

#3. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
Launched in 2009, the Modern Warfare sub-series of the Call of Duty franchise was the first installment which was set outside the Second World War scenario. And what a move by Activision that was! Just what Madden did to football, Modern Warfare 1 and its super-successful sequels allowed players to experience every minute detail of warfare without having to be a real soldier. Added to that are great sound and awesome graphics quality, and we get the highest-grossing console game series in the history of gaming.

#4. Grand Theft Auto 3
This is digital immorality at its best! Unlike its two predecessors, GTA 3 was different and how! Released in 2001, it was the first leap of the series into three-dimensional gameplay. With that came great improvements in the control scheme and the graphics quality. From buying sex to carjacking, the players have full control over the game. The latest installments with improved graphics and gameplay have solidified the position of the series as one of best ever created.
#5. Hitman
The year 2000 saw the rise of the action-adventure stealth genre which hardly existed before. The Hitman series brought forward a gameplay which was no longer about mindless shooting and explosions. The missions had to be performed in the shadows and disguises were a must in order to survive. The genre was taken a step forward with the introduction of Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell in 2002. Agent 47 and Sam Fisher became favorite anti-heroes of the virtual world. And the sequels which followed the originals in these last decade were truly out-of-his-world.
You have the list now; all you have to do is buy the latest installments of these legendary console games and let them give you an experience you have surely never felt before!