For every woman, her handbag is like a Pandora’s box, a place where a variety of things are stuffed, only to be retrieved at a later point of time, or forgotten about all together. Be it cell phones, folding umbrellas, iPads and Tabs, address books, wallets, lip gloss, or chewing gum, women have the incurable habit of carrying their worlds in their hand bags.
The best option, therefore, is to opt for a bag that is spacious enough to carry all items, and stylish at the same. Hobo bags are crescent shaped bags that are large enough to carry a lot of items. Moreover, their design is streamlined, and these bags look slim even when containing a lot of items. For all of them who do not possess one of these, here are some tips for making the right pick.
1. The bag should have sufficient number of compartments so that all items can be well-organized. These bags have still pockets and zip pockets. Those with the latest designs even have a specific compartment for cell phones. Therefore, the buyer should have a clear idea about the specific requirements which the bag needs to fulfill, as these bags come with the option of two, or multiple compartments.
2. The fabric must be durable. These bags are generally made of suede, and can withstand a lot of wear-and-tear. Although canvas is also used to manufacture these bags, there is one particular disadvantage. The fabric tends to wear out and looks dirty after a couple of uses only.
3. The design of the bag must accentuate the figure of the user, rather than making the person look disproportionately out-of-place. An oversized hobo bag may dwarf a petite person, while tall women should preferably opt for long bags that go down to their waist. The length of these bags should be slightly long so that they are not engulfed by the shoulders of the person.