Would you like to run outside in the winter? Well, many of your friends may find this crazy. Though cold weather can wreck havoc on your running regimen, the winter seems to be the perfect season to gain several health benefits. Simultaneously, the running will be great fun as there will be no crowd, and the weather will be cool. Well, if you have a well-planned strategy and a strong running goal, you can enjoy your running just in any weather.
Set Your Objective:
Run for a specific goal is quite motivating. You can plan to run a 5 thousand, half marathon and run a number of miles each month. Once you set your objective, you will get instant motivation in knowing that you have to reach your target or train for the marathon. Forget not to reward yourself when you reach your goal. At the same time, set one more target.
Running alone in the winter mornings can be dangerous for you. Making your morning workouts social is the only way to be safe. Try to run in numbers. Get your friends to run along with you, chat and enjoy your running regimen. Running with your pet is also a great way to get over the inactiveness of the cold weather.
Get the Right Accessories:
The right kind of running apparel or gear is the best thing in the world. Avoid over or under dressing with layering. Consider putting on layers that help you prevent cold winds; pants, top and tights that absorb the moisture from your skin and a mid layer that fits your body loosely.
There are a number of gears that you need to include in your wardrobe for winter running. They include- running jacket, beanie, tights, gloves and some long-sleeve shirts. There is no need to opt for many layers as your body temperature is likely to rise while running in most winter conditions.
Dress For 15 to 20 Degrees Temperature:
It is fine with over-dressing. If you dress properly for 15 to 20 degrees warmer in the winter days, your body temperature will increase but your dress will prevent you from overheating and sweating. You can feel chilled when you will be out. But, you can even feel hot after running a few miles. So, when you really do, you can remove one of your layers.
Run when the light and warmth is there:
It is good to run during daylight hours, so that you can get the needed sunshine that rare in the winter season. You can run miles and get back your home with a smile on your face.
Be Visible:
During the winter, the morning days remain less visible due to fog. So, if you run in the dark, put on reflective gears or flashing lights so that the oncoming traffic can see you. During a snowy weather, put on a high visibility running dress. It is better to use an identification badge and put it inside your pocket or shoe.
Get Ready for Stubborn Snowflakes:
Put on trail shoes or traction equipment for the harsh snowy weather. This will offer you better traction on the ice and snow.
Do not use these devices in your house.
Stay Grounded:
Do not accelerate your running space and try to keep your feet down to the ground. This way, you can run more efficiently and reduce the chances of tripping and slipping. Prefer to run in the fresh snow instead of packed snow.
Keep yourself hydrated before, after and during your running. This way, you can avoid dehydration.
So, get your friends and get the right gear and enjoy your winter running.
Rebecca Williams is a sports–addict and a committed wanderer. She loves adventurous holidays and backpacking. When she is not travelling with her friends, writing articles is her favourite pass time. She has written articles on several topics related to road safety.She has put an emphasis on hi-viz running jacketin her recent articles. To explore more about safety wear for running, you may visit Proviz.co.uk.
Rebecca is also passionate about photography which truly shows in her G+ profile.