Having a home bar is a lot of fun- soon after installing your home bar, you might find yourself suddenly at the center of family gatherings and neighborhood parties, and with good reason. Everyone likes to relax with family and friends over beer, especially in the comfort of a personal home. The summer seems made for home bar owners and those
that are closest to them, doesn’t it?
But home bar ownership is more than just fun and games and friends and drinks -there’s a bit of work and responsibility involved, too! Just ask anyone who has had one for more than a week. After your first big party or gathering, you might be overwhelmed with the amount of dishes there are to clean and the state of the bar itself. The good news is that there is a solution, and it comes from BeverageTime in the form of several ways to keep your bar and glasses nice and clean during and after your events or evenings at home enjoying your bar.
Here are our favorite products for keeping your bar and bar supplies in tiptop shape
Glass mats: Glass mats protect your bar from nicking and staining; they also help to ensure that the bar doesn’t chip your glasses. What a wonderful two-way street! Glass mats also provide a great way to keep the rims of glasses off of the bar, which is a typical hiding place for germs. Beverage Time’s glass mats range from $1.55 to $51.25 and offer you and your guests a more hygienic home bar experience.
Beer drip trays: Beer drip trays exist essentially to keep the bar and tap area free of the inevitable spills and drips that come about in the course of bartending and drinking duties. Beer drip trays either stay filled with the excess liquid until they are emptied manually, while others are flushed by a water source down a drain or to another catching place. We have both at Beverage Time, and everything in between. Our drip trays begin at $28 and continue on into the professional-grade $200-range products. Using a drip tray will make your home bar tidier, more professional, and cleaner for everyone.
Glass rinsers: Glass rinsers take bar cleaning to a whole new level. If you have a stack of glasses sitting on a shelf and want to clean them before company arrives or while company is present (if you’re the showy sort!), then you can’t go wrong with a glass rinser. Glass rinsers are a type of component that some drip trays have that includes a mechanism for rinsing glasses by placing them face down on a drip tray and pressing, engaging a water stream that will rinse the glass free of dust or other particles.
After investing so much time in your home bar, it’s important to take care of it. Devices like glass mats, drip trays, and glass rinsers will help to ensure that your bar and bar supplies stay in mint condition.