In today’s world, it is essential that the packaging of any product should meet the market’s present as well as future’s demand in the most cost effective manner. In certain cases, it has been observed that packaging style applied by the automotive and the architecture industry, are also implemented in the cosmetics industry. Different kinds of materials such as glasses, paper, plastics and metals are used to pack cosmetic boxes. Most importantly, the vibrant and the bright coloured packages appeal the customers. The packaging should also depict youth and cheerfulness to make it more attractive.
Different types of cosmetics packages:
Cosmetics boxes: cosmetics boxes made from paper and cardboard guarantees durability and quality. These boxes can be combined with other fashionable elements. The decoration and the sizes can also be altered according to the customer’s need and requirement.
Swing tags:the tags outside the cosmetics boxes is the most effective way to communicate your feelings as well as advertising your goods while they are on display. The material used to make these swing tags can be transparent plastic sheets, paper or even rubber.
Glass cosmetic container: thesetypes of cosmetic box packaging are in high demand in the market. The decorative designs on the glass has a positive impact on the customers. Various exclusively shaped cosmetic glass container provides a separate identity to the products.
Plastic cosmetic container: the greatest advantage is that plastic containers are recyclable. They also have an ability to diffuse light. The plastic container is also used to store bulk cosmetics products. While selecting the cosmeticcontainer,customers should check the manner in which the product is being bestowed. Even compatibility tests should be conducted in order to check whether the ingredients of the products perfectly fits the container.
Metal cosmetics container: to create an image of elegance medallions is used in the cosmetic containers. The metal decorating application also helps to create sophisticated designs. The dispensers prevent the damage of contaminations. The frosted glass containers which are compact is also used on the container to carry oils, perfumes or even lip glosses.
Cosmetic cases: there are various cosmetic cases which are durable, attractive and compact. These cases help in keeping the the cosmetics in accessible and well organized position. Even the cosmetic cases allow the designer to make use of their imagination to create chic designs for the cosmetic cases.
Categories of cosmetic cases:
Sachets or pouches: sachets or pouch is the most inexpensive and simple way to display any cosmetic products. It is available in different forms like double sachet strips, component sachet variables or die cut sachet.
Peelable package: a flap is used to open the package and generally peelable packages is sealed with a backing foil. This type of packaging is suitable for semisolid or liquid products.
Blister packaging: it is meant for protecting the cosmetics and is perfect for retailing.
Designers now a days are focusing on various innovative cosmetics packaging. These packagingsrange from ultra funky and girly for the young feminine market to the most classical and elegant designs for the elders.
Author Bio
Mia Jones is a technology geek, a gadget expert and a web analyst. She is associated with software development, software testing tool design and QC (Quality Check). Mia also writes for technology sites on a part-time basis. In her latest articles on custom software packagingshe shares some interesting ideas and helpful resources. Mia suggests her readers to consult Nationwide Carton for custom packaging related information.
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